Community Networking Meme…

Okay, so my post is a little off time-wise because of the time difference and all, but here goes…

1. If you could interview anyone on your blog (alive or dead) who would you chose and why?

I should probably go with someone epic and meaningful like Jinnah…but the cast of Supernatural would be so much more fun…and so much hotter- no disrespect to the father of my nation though. Love the dude!

2. What do you feel is your strength as a blogger?

The complete and utter randomness of my posts? I suppose they are what make my blog MY blog. But I seriously don’t know. Never really thought about it. I blog because I want to…never thought I could have strengths or weaknesses in the matter!

3. Can you share a little bit about yourself that you have not already mentioned on your blog?

Hi, I’m thatchickperson. I’m a 21 year old undergrad student trying to get through the college we all call shit hole (lovingly, of course). I rarely blog about something other than school, mainly because it consumes my life wholly and completely. But I still want to keep studying until I can and is as many far away places as I can manage! The part of my blog which is not concerned with college is increasingly becoming concerned with Pakistan, I don’t know why!

Also, I have a naked pink oscar man!

4. If you were forced to change the name of your blog, what would you change it to? Why?

thatothernameformyblog – because I’m feeling incredibly uncreative at the moment and because it has a certain ring to it, don’t you agree?!

5. What do you think is the most fulfilling part of being a blogger?

Being able to vent without actually having to interact with people face to face. So much harder that way!

6. What would you do with your last day if you found you had only one more day to live?

Spend all the money I have…no point in saving it anymore if I’m dying, no!? Which means that I’d also probably roam around in some ridiculously expensive but gorgeous designer pumps!

7. You’ve been doing medical research for decades and have finally found a cure. What was it that you found a cure for and why did you choose this particular ailment?

HIV/AIDS- simply because it effects so many people…12 million people worldwide, that’s not a small number. If I could do something to help decrease that number, why not?

8. What is your most guilty pleasure?

Vampire shows…but you can’t blame me…they’re everywhere!

9. Answer only one. What is your favorite book, movie or TV show?

Since my favorite TV shows and books keeps changing, I’m going to go with Titanic, because frankly, that’s the best movie ever made…followed closely by Beauty and the Beast!

10. What do you think is the very best smell in the world? The one smell that can take you back to a time and place of a very vivid memory in your past?

Wet mud- takes me back to monsoon season which always comes around my birthday (or used to come around, damn global warming). Reminds me of home and childhood and all my birthdays spent playing in the rain, especially the ones in which I ended up playing in my garden around the left-over flags from independence day! Barely any of my friends came to my birthdays, partly because it was always in the middle of summer vacations and partly because I don’t think I was all that popular- but meh…had fun anyway!

~ by thatchickperson on December 12, 2010.

9 Responses to “Community Networking Meme…”

  1. Great answers all! With the time difference I thought in America we would be the late ones. No matter, I’m glad you joined in. You are the only person so far that mentioned AIDS. I expected a lot more people. Wet mud. Very interesting. I feel like I know you just a little bit better. Thanks for taking part in this meme. If I make another one I won’t put a time frame on it.

  2. I like your answers for #s 3, 7, and 9. Hold on, being a student is a tough job but it will pave the way. Im on the final stage of my PhD program and Im struggling too but blogging is already part of my social life since 2004. It is my online home… I love the story of Titanic and being in Northern Ireland, especially where the Titanic ship was built, it is more amazing! Merry Xmas!

    • Finally, some one agrees about Titanic being awesome- it’s grown old so people don’t like it as much as they used…but good to see I’m not the only one!
      I’m halfway through my under-grad so *crossing fingers* here’s to going the other half!

  3. I just watched the latest episode of Supernatural last night. That show rocks, and Dean is the MAN! I have to co-sign on Vampire Shows, too. Can’t stop watchin’ ’em…

    • I love Dean (you sort of HAVE to, he’s just so awesome) but you can’t leave out Sam…he’s been awesome this season! Love the show- it just keeps getting better and better!

  4. thatothernameformyblog awesome. i like it 🙂

  5. Titanic is really nice! 🙂 And the name for your blog is nice too. Please read my answers to this meme if you have time! I’m the excommunicado! Thanks! 😉

  6. I’d have to say that other name for your blog is in fact creative. :))

    Yeah, Vampire shows popped up like zit and they still keep coming.

    Wet-mud is very familiar to me as well, especially that it has been raining much this time.

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